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Friday, November 17, 2017

La Caja Roja

                  La caja  roja 
   “La caja roja”  es una manera muy divertida y efectiva para enseñar nuevas palabras a los niños.
Los niños son curiosos por naturaleza. Son muy observadores y hacen muchas preguntas.  La primera vez que llevé la caja roja a clases, los niños no dudaron ni un instante en preguntarme: “¿Qué hay adentro de la caja?” hay un entusiasmo increíble en ellos por saber qué hay adentro.  Podemos tomar ventaja de esa curiosidad que es innato en los niños para el aprendizaje. Usando la curiosidad de los niños en combinación con la creatividad se puede crear actividades divertidas al mismo tiempo que aprenden.

Hoy compartiré la actividad  “la caja roja que hago con mis alumnos.

Para aprender y poder expresarse en cualquier idioma, es necesario aprender palabras.  He usado tarjetas con fotos de objetos para enseñar nuevas palabras a mis estudiantes; pero con los más pequeños, considero más atractivo mostrar objetos tangibles a la hora de enseñar nuevas palabras. Los niños tienden a estar más involucrados usando objetos tangibles ya que les encantan tocar, manipular y jugar con los objetos.

Cómo presento la caja roja a niños de 4 a 7 años de edad

Hago que los niños se sientan en círculo. Me siento en círculo con los ellos. Presento  la caja roja (puede ser de cualquier color) y digo: “¿qué hay en la caja roja?” (hay veces que agito la caja, y se escucha los objetos) Algunos niños dicen de inmediato: “open it!” y digo: “ábrela” (es una buena oportunidad para aprender esa palabra)
Abro la caja, y con una cara de sorpresa digo: “Yo veo una pelota” e inmediatamente les pregunto: “¿quieren ver la pelota?” y entienden por intuición y responden diciendo “yes” Y digo ¡sí! (otra buena oportunidad para aprender a decir “sí”) Luego les muestro la pelota. Hago lo mismo con todos los objetos en la caja.
Después de mostrar un objeto, permito que cada niño(a) tome el objeto, diga la palabra y lo pase al otro niño(a) de al lado hasta que todos en el círculo hayan tenido la oportunidad de tocar y decir el nombre del objeto.

En otra clase puede hacer la misma actividad pero puede incluir otros aspectos como por ejemplo hablar sobre el objeto o hacer preguntas sobre el mismo. Dos o tres preguntas sencillas son suficientes. He aquí algunos ejemplos de preguntas que les hago a los niños:
·         ¿De qué color es la pelota?
·         ¿Es la pelota grande o pequeña?
·         ¿Es la pelota dura o suave?

Puede crear sus propias preguntas dependiendo de los objetos que tenga en su propia caja.

Estas preguntas abren la oportunidad para explorar con los objetos y aprender nuevos conceptos y palabras.

Para niños de 2 y 3 años digo lo siguiente en forma rítmica mientras hago los movimientos sugeridos:

Abre - cierra
Abre - cierra
Abre la ca- ji -ta

Abre –cierra
Abre – cierra
¿Qué hay en la ca-ji -ta?

Y saco un objeto.
Repito lo mismo, y saco otro objeto, y así  sucesivamente.
Esta actividad mantiene la atención de los niños por más tiempo de lo usual. J

Algunas ventajas que he observado con esta actividad:

·         Ayuda a mantener la atención.
·         Abre la oportunidad para expandir sobre el objeto.
·         Favorece el aprendizaje de nuevas palabras y conceptos.
·         Ayuda a estimular y desarrollar el lenguaje.
Haga click aquí para más ideas con la caja roja y comandos.

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Friday, August 18, 2017

Lectura con Pictogramas

  Lectura  con    Pictogramas

¿Qué es un pictograma?

El pictograma es un símbolo que representa una figura, un objeto o una palabra.

La lectura con pictograma ayuda a estimular el interés y el deseo de leer en los niños.
Estas lecturas con pictogramas resultarán en un apoyo esencial para facilitar el aprendizaje de nuevas palabras. Además, es una forma divertida de leer.

Algunas ventajas al usar pictogramas en la lectura son:

·         Motiva y mejora la atención.
·         Ayuda en la comprensión de la lectura.
·         Ayuda a estimular y desarrollar el lenguaje.

·         Favorece el aprendizaje de nuevas palabras.

Luego que los niños leen las tarjetas de lectura con pictogramas,  pueden hacer esta otra actividad donde colocan el pictograma correcto para completar la oración.

Las tarjetas pequeñas de pictogramas

También puede introducir adjetivos descriptivos.
Para obtener lectura con pictogramas pulse aqui

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Friday, March 17, 2017

¿Quién tiene la pelota?

¿Quién Tiene la Pelota?

¿Quién tiene la pelota? is a fun game that kids ask to play over and over again! They will literally ask me: “are we going to play quién tiene la pelota today”?
I came up with this game to help and encourage my students in language development and expression. This game teaches the Spanish verb: “tener” in the simple present using the first and second person singular.

This game will help children learn in Spanish:
1.      To say who has the ball.
2.      To respond in the affirmative if they have the ball.
3.      To respond by making a negation sentence if they don’t have the ball.
    Before hand preparation for this game:
Before playing this game, children will need to be first familiar with what they are going to say. So for that I do the following activities for about two or three weeks before playing the game:
1.      Have students sit in a circle.  Show the ball to students as you say “la pelota”. Have each student hold it and say “la pelota” then pass it to the person next to them.
2.      Next, take “la pelota” and give it to each child individually and immediately say: (insert student’s name) tiene la pelota.” Do this with all the students. There is no need to translate. Children will automatically understand what you are saying or what it means.
3.      Next, gently throw the ball to a student and then ask: “¿quién tiene la pelota?”  (Normally at this point the kids understand what you are asking and most of the time they will respond by just saying the name of the person who has the ball) but I reinforce each time by saying the complete sentence (insert student’s name) tiene la pelota.” This is very effective because children will eventually start to respond in that manner. In my experience I had seen some students get it after the second class.
You can even create a chant while keeping a steady beat with hands patting on legs:
“Corey tiene la pelota” (repeat 3 or 4 times). Do the same with the other students when they have the ball. (using their real names J)
Here is how to play: (this game is suitable for ages 4 to 6)
·         Have children sit in a circle with both of their hands behind them as shown in the picture.

·         Select a student to be the guesser. This student will stand away from the circle against a wall with eyes closed so he/she will not see to whom the teacher gives the ball to.
·         Teacher selects a student and puts the ball in his/her hand.
·         Once the ball is in someone's hand, teacher calls the student that’s away from the circle and ask: “¿quién tiene la pelota?” and the student tries to guess by pointing and saying for example: “Jessica tiene la pelota” (I’m using different names as an example, but student will use their classmates real names) if Jessica does not have la pelota, then she will show both of her hands and say: “no tengo la pelota” then the guesser will try a second time.  If he/she guesses correctly, the person who has the ball will show the ball as he or she says: “¡si,yo tengo la pelota!”.
·         You can decide before hand how many times guesser can guess before getting it correct. In my class guesser gets three turns. If student does not guess who has the ball in the three turns, then either student or teacher can ask “¿quién tiene la pelota?” then the student that has it will say: “yo tengo la pelota”.
For older children (ages 7 to 10) you can add a variation on the last part of the game. If student does not guess who has the ball, then the guesser can then turn to one of his classmates in the circle and say: “Corey, dime quién tiene la pelota.” (Corey, tell me who has the ball.) This is an opportunity to introduce the word: “dime” which means “tell me”.  Then Corey will say in Spanish who has the ball.  Example (Juan tiene la pelota)
Another variation to the game is to use other things such as: carro, osito, silla, regla, borrador, etc (it’s a great way to introduce and practice vocabulary words)
I find that using the real object is more fun for the kids but you can also use small cards with the object on it.
For the older children, you can give out three different items to three children in the circle and guesser will guess who has what…
There are so many variations to the game. These are just some ideas I came up with and the kids really enjoy it and the best part is that they are learning in a fun and playful way to speak a foreign language as natural as they learned their maternal language!
Share your experience! Your feedback and comments are welcome!
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  Have Fun!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Number Cards for Games

             Number Cards for Games
These number cards for games are great for reinforcing numbers in any language.
I created these cards to create fun and engaging games while kids learn.  The kids love to play this game especially because of the manipulative they use. Instead of using the traditional Bingo-spotters, I bought some Super Hero figures for the boys and Fairy Tale Friends for the girls to use as game markers for these cards. The kids love it so much!

Here are some ideas and recommendations to play:
·         Give a card to each student. You can either place the figures for the boys in a small basket and the figures for girls in another basket and as the numbers are called out they can pick out the figures to place on the cards; or you can give each student a certain amount of figures for use.
·         Instructor calls out a number. The first student to complete one vertical and one horizontal row wins. For variation, you can have a child call out the numbers.
·         Create a fun math game with older children by calling out a number sentence and have student find the answer to the number sentence on their card. For example you can say: 4 + 4 or 8 – 6. Children find the number 8 or 2 on their card. These numbers or number sentence should be called out in the target language. You can set your own set of rules for winning.
·         Depending on size group you can give children more than one card.
·         You can encourage children to say in Spanish or the target language the number they have found. For example when calling out a number, students look for that number ,and as they find it on their card they can say: “encontré cuatro” as an example.
The uses are many. Be as creative as you can be!
To purchase Number Cards for Games, click here.
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Thank you and….  Have Fun                                                                                                    

Friday, January 13, 2017

Interactive Practice Cards - Spanish

      Interactive Practice Cards - Spanish

These Interactive Practice Cards are a great supplement to the Interactive Flash Cards Bundle. There are 10 cards. Two cards each for animals, colors, numbers, shapes and vocabulary. There are 60 round little cards to go along with each pair of cards.
Children can practice and reinforce what they have learned with this practical tool. Use them as an evaluation tool, circle time and individual practice time.

Here are some ideas you can use with these interactive practice cards:
·         Use them for assessment: After children use the Interactive Flash Cards and are familiar with the images and names in Spanish, use the Interactive Practice Cards for assessment to see who needs more help. Give each child one or more round cards. Allow them to take turns placing the round cards on the correct spot on the big card.

·         Call out a word on the big card in Spanish, the student who has the round card places it on the correct spot on the big card.
·         Create teams and see which team fills the cards correctly first. It can also be done in pairs.

·         Make an extra copy of the round cards before cutting out for review. You can ask to point to something specific on the card.

   You can create a bingo game with the cards too!
·         Play a game where children or teacher ask for example: ¿dónde está la mesa? or ¿dónde está el círculo? Have all the round cards on the floor or in a basket and have students find the specific item. Once they find it, they place it on the correct spot on the big card.
The uses are many. Be as creative as you can be!

To purchase Interactive Practice Cards – Spanish,  click here.

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Follow me on TpT by clicking on the green star right under my store name “Music and Spanish Fun”:
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Have Fun